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About Us

Our Mission

Guiding You on Your Carnivore Homesteading Journey

At Cattle Upon a Hill, our mission is clear: to empower beginner homesteaders in embracing the carnivore lifestyle and achieving self-sufficiency through detailed digital instruction.

Our Expertise:

Carnivore Homesteading Enthusiasts

Homesteading and self-sufficiency are passions that run deep within us. I still remember the early days of my carnivore homesteading journey—feeling overwhelmed and alone. Yet, I was fortunate to have a mentor right across the road: my mother-in-law, who imparted invaluable knowledge on farming and the carnivore way of life.

From raising calves to caring for chickens, milking cows to poultry butchering, her guidance shaped my understanding of this rewarding lifestyle.

Now, it's my turn to pay it forward. Farming and embracing the carnivore lifestyle offer boundless rewards, but they can also present challenges—especially when you're navigating the journey alone.

That's why I'm committed to sharing the knowledge I've acquired over the years. No one should feel stranded on the path to carnivore homesteading success. With the right guidance and support, you can thrive in this lifestyle.

You deserve a community and support system to bolster you along the way. Together, we can cultivate a thriving carnivore homesteading community where success is not just achievable—it's inevitable.

Join me at Cattle Upon a Hill, where I'm dedicated to empowering individuals like you with the skills, knowledge, and support needed to flourish on your carnivore homesteading journey.

Our mission is to help beginner homesteaders to become successfully self-sufficient through detailed digital instruction.